It's come to my attention that Eric Eidsness, the 2006 Reform Party candidate who garnered more than 11% of the 2006 vote, also recently blogged. He chose to post over at the local home of Colorado progressives, SquareState. Let's just say, Eidsness was less successful in his attempt to woo netroots support. Kossack Colorado Luis posted on the dialogue and admonished campaign strategists: "His [Eidsness'] post, "Winning CD-4" should be screensaved and shown to every campaign this cycle as the paradigm example of how not to interact with progressive blogs." A sampling of Eidsness' post about the 2006 race:
You have to wonder if he was aware SquareState was a progressive blog? Talk about not understanding your audience. Even before I read Eidsness' nonsense, I felt Paccione deserved our support. We don't need to elect another DINO to Congress. A Reagan environmentalist? Uhm, does anyone remember James Watt?Supporters believed in my moderate, civil and thoughtful message. No one disputed my ability to communicate effectively, my qualifications or my passion, or my fiscal conservatism and socially progressive ideas. That was evident to those who witnessed the Windsor debate.
Even my service to the Reagan Administration where I enforced three national laws was as a envrionmental professional in the engineering field, not a political hack circling Washington D. C. looking for a position of power and influence. That service seems to be a black eye for me among some die-hard Democratic activists.
I know that there are a vocal few who are mad at my entrance into the race last year as a Reform Party Candidate. Some "blame" me for "spoiling" the race for Angie. That is speculation and really not that relevant to next years race in the CD-4.However, I will say this, it is interesting that I earned the endorsements of four conservative daily newspapers east of I-25 (Lamar, Sterling, Fort Morgan and Greeley, as well as the Fort Collins Coloradoan. It is for this reason, along with my water, envrionmental(sic), business and national policy experience in the "Reagan Administration", that if I were to earn the Democratic nomination, I would defeat Marilyn Musgrave.(emphasis added)
Let's show Paccione we support her efforts to unseat Mad Marilyn by donating.
CO-04 wiki.

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